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Best thumbnail for pubg montage download full hd no copyright. Hey guys am with another pubg thumbnail pack free to use. its absoletly free to download. But note , you can use it  only for your YouTube thumbnails, Any type of reposting or coping will be not allowed. If you do that be ready for copyright stike.

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Wellcome to our site , Here we provides the pack with proper Hindi Tutorial what that you need. Download Thumbnail pack, banner pack, gaming logo, outro, intro etc. and it's all for free. 

Download HD pubg background 


- 25+thumbnail background
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- Full resolution
- pack download link avilable  

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Must read

[ if you want to use my background to make your gfx pack video make sure to give proper credit to me otherwise be ready to get copyright strike from me.]

How To Use This Template 

To use this PUBG gaming template you need  - pixellab text editor or you can use other alternatives applications  like Picsart, Ps cc or IBIS paint. So at first download the Banner Pack fom the link given below. in this pack you will fined some banner backgrounds, stocks and images and this gaming banner template without text. Now follow the instruction below -

  • Open the thumbnail  tempate on pixellab app.
  • Select project ratio -1920pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall.
  • Add your channel name .
  • Select font according you .
  • Add colour on text 
  • Add relevent icons .
  • Add social icons and text .
now simply save it on your Device and its all done, now you can use it as your channel banner .

About the Author


  1. Your all pack very good

  2. Thank u so much brother 💖
  3. Hello bhai

    I want to use your thumbnail for my YouTube channel

    So plz give me permission to use

    Iam new YouTuber I have 57 subscribe so I want to grow my channel with the help of your thumbnail

    Plz give me confirmation . And I don't no how give credit can u plz tell me

    Thank you
  4. I want to use your background in my YouTube thumbnail so I want to permission for download background

    Thanks 😊
  5. bro need prmmision to use it. Thank You
  6. Hello bhai

    I want to use your thumbnail for my YouTube channel

    So plz give me permission to use

    Iam new YouTuber I have 57 subscribe so I want to grow my channel with the help of your thumbnail

    Plz give me confirmation . And I don't no how give credit can u plz tell me

    Thank you
  7. 🔥😍
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